Senin, 09 September 2013


Hi. You can call me North, or just Nor, not that it really matters to me.

I am an Indonesian, currently living in Surabaya, East Java, as a university student.

I write, anything that comes to mind. Be it fantasy, romance, science fiction, essay. It is my hobby since high school, besides japanese pop culture, daydreaming and bathroom singing (are those last two even considered hobbies, i don't know). I do write in both Indonesian and English, though i prefer the first one at times.

Literatures have always fascinated me in a weird fashion, that is why three years ago, i started writing short stories. None ever gone published to the internet, and i probably never will; it's just too embarassing.

But then again, i do not think this hobby as just mere time passing. So one day, i decided to create a blog to post all of my writings, with good intentions of finding people that are the same as me, hoping they would give feedbacks as to what is good and bad of the things that i write.



This blog was created.

Just like that.

Okay, you don't really need to read this far without TL;DR-ing me. I know this post must be awfully boring to read anyway.



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